Feedreader 3.13 midrelease

We have made available midrelease of Feedreader 3.13. It's only for interested parties. It's not even a beta release (although it should work fine).

Changes and fixes:

  • Added possibility to have multiple archives for articles. Create them from File > New > Archive
  • Archive folder has its own icon now
  • Feed autodiscovery fixed (occurred then discovering feeds from japanese language pages)
  • HTTP Chunked download fixed. In some cases Feedreader could run out of memory because of web servers that are serving documents with chunked method.
  • Fix for situation where unreadcount was calculated incorrectly then one empty folder was moved to other empty folder.
  • Added update priority field to feed. If you have a lot of feeds you can now add greater priority to feeds that you really want to update on time. Then all these higher priority feeds will always updated first.

Please download 3.13 midrelease from our site as Installer or as Zip file.

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